Friday, February 13, 2009

I think you know what I mean

I look across my Canadian border and see American politicians openly, willingly and with a sense of unquestioned righteousness, over-ride their founding constitution of individual rights, rights to property use, and squelch the future prospect of America.

It’s so wrong. I was thinking, it’s not time yet, but perhaps time to begin thinking about a revolution. I mean a real, physical revolution towards freedom based on America’s “alter or abolish” principle. It certainly time for Americans to stand up for their own selfish lives and stop being sacrificial animals.

American Republicans and now Democrats are busy socializing the country in ever more areas of work and thought. Honest good businessmen are viciously being hammered.

Recently, the American money supply has been taken over by government force and control, more than ever before. The American money supply now from creation to every step of spending is monitored and controlled by government. Government control of credit comes purely from Karl Marx and the bloody Bolshevik killers.

The Russians and Chinese communists must be laughing. They must look at the directions and actions of the North American leaders and say, “No need for another cold war. In a generation or two, North America will be socialist. We will just sit and wait.”

All the spiritual content needed for communism or fascism is already prevalent in academia and politics; denial of reality, destruction of certainty, power by force, control, disregard for actual human potential, and unquestioned “moral” principle of sacrifice, against development and movement.

Americans and Canadians drudge along, knowing the idiocy of many of the plans and pogroms and just try to make a living in spite of it.

Americans have a better sense of justice and needed corrective action than Canadians. A revolution for individual rights is more possible there.

It’s always been right, but I think it’s more crucial now for Americans to look after their own lives and loved ones. To hell with the rest of the world! With the exception of a few civilized countries, most of the despotic third world only wants the collapse and death of America anyways. I’m talking primarily about the third world intellectuals and Harvard.

As for politicians, please be graceful and step down. Except for the necessary protection of individual rights and freedom of action, dismantle your unnecessary administrative departments and let’s get on with freedom! I don’t know. Get a job. You’ll win my respect.

With freedom, we all can get on with work again and prosper. We will continue to show the rest of the world how to build.

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