I have come across....
The Great Global Warming Swindle. It is always something I have suspected since I have little respect for deceitful politicians and the swarms of disgruntled socialists educating them. I have kept in mind a very short view of a Russian scientist who mentioned wryly that he had seen "global warming" on Mars. Then, "Its only the sun" I thought to myself. With the little scientific knowledge I had, I could only argue with others of my peers with as little knowledge as they had. I fully stood by the idea global warming was natural.
Now, with this documentary (with DVD), I can proudly say, I was right. The socialists hatred for material achievements and progress with politicians in bed with them have produced a great global warming swindle where millions, no, billions have been swindled from honest, hard working people in an effort for power and control. The tiniest socialist taint can be nothing less since socialism has collapsed and there is absolutely no reason to keep those death inducing ideas.
First, the wonderful website:
I have the DVD and its absolutely amazing! Scientists have spoken and show Co2 is not and cannot be a cause in temperature increases. Co2 rather FOLLOWS temperature changes (that makes sense - hot weather produces more dead leaves, living organisms, etc., which produces more carbon - carbon gases). They then show the main and proven reason for temperature changes is…….
……. drum roll………………… sun spot changes. i.e. natural.
I love it!
I love it when intelligent reasoning people speak up and show the left wing fools who want nothing more than to stop the economy! Stop industry. Stop man.
Live life my friends! Gobble up and enjoy your your heat, your gasoline, your paper and plastics! Tell your politicians off who know of the swindle and want nothing more than power. Tell ‘em you want freedom!
Do it before they cut off and censor the Internet! Canada is reviewing Canadian Internet activity for more “Canadian content.” The beast is on the prowl. Those wicked men and women usually always do more than mere reviews. Government reviews are usually laden with more legislative power and stifling controls - as communist's sit back and smile.