Wednesday, April 30, 2008

China: Killing Machine 2008

Below is an article I've had put in the Chinese newspaper this week (April 28, 2008) in "The Epoch Times". I felt it was important to speak up against the Chinese communists and not keep silent about their organizing Chinese students world-wide to try to make themselves look acceptable, while still murdering and killing dissidents. The Epoch Times edited some of it, but the main part of it was included.

I’ve read the, “The Epoch Times” and agree with fully exposing the brutal actions of China’s communist party (CCP) due to its brutal ideology.

In opposite principles, the more consistent one wins – due to its consistency. Any collaboration serves to undermine the inconsistent collaborator. I believe collaboration can take many intentional or unintentional forms such as, evasion, appeasement, minimizing events or ideas, even pragmatism. Crucial issues should not be blurred with academic weaseling or baseless political rhetoric.

As one example, I recently saw a B.C. historian on Television explaining the sudden Tibetan demonstrations, saying, “China is a superpower. So is America. Both are superpowers, so it is expected people will demonstrate against them.” This appalling conclusion packages China and America together even as their history, character and morals are not even close. China is a murderous totalitarian regime. America is not. This conclusion ignores communist China’s brutal history, and current practices. It ignores the fact demonstrations are only outside of China and the reason for the demonstrations is the fact Tibetans know China plans to remain brutal. The historian’s conclusion is a complete evasion of facts and works to collaborate with China by not opposing them in any manner.

By contrast, The Epoch Times tells the facts of the Chinese Communist Party without compromise even sometimes in the face of Canadian apathy or naive western investment. The Epoch Times tells the truth then leaves the audience to draw honest conclusions. Thank you Epoch Times for standing up and standing out.

----- Ted
I'm unaware of what kind of newsletter you have in mind with The Freedom Party, but I look forward to re-uniting with objectivists since I have had no contact for years. Thank you.
Ted Harlson.

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